import sqlite3 import sys import json from .model import Commune, FantoirVoie import re # DB with addresses info DB_ADDRESSES_PATH_ENV = "DB_ADDRESSES_PATH" DB_ADDRESSES_DEFAULT_PATH = "/etc/fantoir.sqlite" # Table for insee codes DB_TABLE_INSEE_NAME = "insee" DB_COL_COMMUNE_INSEE = "Code_commune_INSEE" DB_COL_COMMUNE_NAME = "Nom_commune" DB_COL_COMMUNE_POSTE = "Code_postal" # Table for Fantoir voies (code Rivoli) DB_TABLE_FANTOIR_NAME = "keyv" DB_COL_FANTOIR_INSEE = "key" DB_FANTOIR_INSEE_KEY_SUFFIX = "keyv:" # Utility to find an address class AddressFinder: def __init__(self, db_addresses_sqlite_path: str): self.dbPath = db_addresses_sqlite_path print("DB addresses Path : " + self.dbPath) def getCommunesFromNameOrZip(self, communeNameOrZip: str) -> list[Commune]: con = sqlite3.connect(self.dbPath) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = con.cursor() communes: list[Commune] = [] try: if communeNameOrZip is None: cur.execute(f"SELECT * from \"{DB_TABLE_INSEE_NAME}\"") else: communeSearch = communeNameOrZip zipSearch = communeNameOrZip searchOpertor = "OR" regexCommuneAndZip = r"[0-9]{5} .+" # For example: '33000 BO' if re.match(regexCommuneAndZip, communeNameOrZip): splitSearch = communeNameOrZip.split(' ') zipSearch = splitSearch[0] communeSearch = ' '.join(splitSearch[1:]) searchOpertor = "AND" cur.execute( f"SELECT * from \"{DB_TABLE_INSEE_NAME}\" WHERE {DB_COL_COMMUNE_NAME} LIKE \"%{communeSearch}%\" COLLATE nocase {searchOpertor} {DB_COL_COMMUNE_POSTE} LIKE \"{zipSearch}%\"") except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print("Error querying DB : {0}".format(err), file=sys.stderr) return [] communesMap = dict() for row in cur.fetchall(): row_obj = dict(row) commune = Commune( codeInsee=row_obj[DB_COL_COMMUNE_INSEE], nom=row_obj[DB_COL_COMMUNE_NAME], codeZip=row_obj[DB_COL_COMMUNE_POSTE]) # This way we avoid duplicates communesMap[commune["codeInsee"]] = commune con.close() return list(communesMap.values()) def getCommuneFantoirVoies(self, communeInseeCode: str, voieSearch: str = None) -> list[FantoirVoie]: # Extract data from DB con = sqlite3.connect(self.dbPath) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute( f"SELECT value from \"{DB_TABLE_FANTOIR_NAME}\" WHERE {DB_COL_FANTOIR_INSEE}=\"{DB_FANTOIR_INSEE_KEY_SUFFIX}{communeInseeCode}\"") except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: print("Error querying DB : {0}".format(err), file=sys.stderr) return [] data_raw = cur.fetchone() con.close() # Get JSON payload fantoir_dict = [] # Check if data where found if data_raw is not None: data = dict(data_raw) # Extract the data behind "value" which is a JSON structure data_dict = json.loads(data.get("value")) # In extracted JSON data, the interesting payload is behind "value" key fantoir_dict = data_dict.get("value") if voieSearch is not None: regexSearch = r".*" for expr in voieSearch.split(' '): regexSearch += r"(?=" + expr + r").*" regexSearch += r".*" fantoir_voies_filtered = [] for voie in fantoir_dict: for libelle in voie['libelle']: if, libelle, re.IGNORECASE): fantoir_voies_filtered.append(voie) break fantoir_dict = fantoir_voies_filtered else: print("Did not found any data matching Insee code " + str(communeInseeCode)) # Return the json dump return fantoir_dict