import base64 import http.client import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import TypedDict, Optional def ptoRequest(ptoRef): ts = return f""" """ def fantoirRequest(insee, rivoli, numVoie): ts = return f""" """ def query_axione_fantoir(cfg, insee, rivoli, numVoie): body = fantoirRequest(insee, rivoli, numVoie) return query_axione(cfg, body) def query_axione_pto(cfg, ptoRef): body = ptoRequest(ptoRef) return query_axione(cfg, body) def query_axione(cfg, body): # Note: the password should be the base64 of username:password. # Don't ask why. passwd = cfg.password headers = { "User-Agent": "aquilenet-elig-test/0.1", "Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "identity", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Authorization": passwd, } respData = None if not cfg.debug: try: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection( "", 443, source_address=(cfg.source_addr, 0), timeout=120, ) conn.request("POST", "/v3/fai", body, headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() respData = except Exception as e: print("Error while querying Axione: ", file=sys.stderr) print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) print("Query Body: ") print(body) print("Query Headers: ") print(str(headers)) sys.exit(1) finally: conn.close() else: print("===================") print("Injecting dummy response for request: ") print("HEADERS: ") print(headers) print("BODY: ") print(body) with open("./fixtures/dummy-data-1.xml", "r") as f: dummyData = return dummyData return respData class LigneResult(TypedDict): actif: str commercialisable: str existant: str raccordable: str rompu: str pbo: str pto: str class EtageResult(TypedDict): reference: str nbLignesActives: str nbLignesExistantes: str nbLocauxFtth: str lignes: list[LigneResult] class BatimentResult(TypedDict): etatBatiment: str identifiantImmeuble: str referenceBatiment: str etages: list[EtageResult] class AxioneErreur(TypedDict): codeErreur: str libelleErreur: str class AxioneResult(TypedDict): codeRetour: int axioneErreur: AxioneErreur batiments: list[BatimentResult] def parse_response(resp_str) -> AxioneResult: root = ET.fromstring(resp_str) codeRetourXml = root.find( ".//{}codeRetour" ) codeRetour = int(codeRetourXml.text.strip()) axioneErreur = None parsedBatiments = [] if codeRetour == 0: parsedBatiments = [ parse_batiment(b) for b in root.findall( ".//{}batiment" ) ] else: axioneErreur = AxioneErreur( codeErreur = root.find( ".//{}codeErreur" ).text.strip(), libelleErreur = root.find( ".//{}libelleErreur" ).text.strip() ) return AxioneResult( codeRetour=codeRetour, axioneErreur=axioneErreur, batiments=parsedBatiments ) def parse_batiment(batiment) -> BatimentResult: etatBatiment = batiment.get("etatBatiment", None) identifiantImmeuble = batiment.get("identifiantImmeuble", None) referenceBatiment = batiment.get("referenceBatiment", None) etages = [ parse_etage(e) for e in batiment.findall( ".//{}etage" ) ] return { "etatBatiment": etatBatiment, "identifiantImmeuble": identifiantImmeuble, "referenceBatiment": referenceBatiment, "etages": etages, } def parse_etage(etage) -> EtageResult: reference = etage.get("reference", None) nbLignesActives = etage.get("nombreLignesActives", None) nbLignesExistantes = etage.get("nombreLignesExistantes", None) nbLocauxFtth = etage.get("nombreLocauxFTTH", None) lignes: list[LigneResult] = [] for ligne in etage.findall( ".//{}ligneFTTH" ): pl = parse_ligne(ligne) if pl is not None: lignes.append(pl) return { "reference": reference, "nbLignesActives": nbLignesActives, "nbLignesExistantes": nbLignesExistantes, "nbLocauxFtth": nbLocauxFtth, "lignes": lignes, } def parse_ligne(ligne) -> Optional[LigneResult]: statut = ligne.find( ".//{}statutLigneFTTH" ) if statut == None: # This line does not have any interesting data for us. return None prise = ligne.find(".//{}prise") refPto = ligne.find( ".//{}referencePTO" ) actif = statut.get("actif", None) commercialisable = statut.get("commercialisable", None) existant = statut.get("existant", None) raccordable = statut.get("raccordable", None) rompu = statut.get("rompu", None) pbo = prise.get("referencePBO", None) pto = refPto.text.strip() return { "actif": actif, "commercialisable": commercialisable, "existant": existant, "raccordable": raccordable, "rompu": rompu, "pbo": pbo, "pto": pto, }