#!/usr/bin/env bash ### Wifi @ SNCF TGV INOUI ### Sacha at aquilenet.fr 20240401 ### Validate captive portal access wifiinterface="wlp170s0" tmpfile=/tmp/wifi-tgv.tmp # Get DHCP answears nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover -e $wifiinterface > $tmpfile DNS=$(grep "Domain Name Server" $tmpfile | awk -F: '{gsub (" ", "", $0); print $2}') # Enabling the wifi echo "Enabling SNCF's Wifi" curl --silent --output /dev/null -X POST 'https://wifi.sncf/router/api/connection/activate/auto' --resolve wifi.sncf:443:$DNS # Optional: Check if we have Internet with perdu.com echo -n "Checking Internet Access... " curl --silent perdu.com |grep ici && echo "Internet is OK !!!" || echo "Internet is KO :((("