#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eau -o pipefail # API where to list arcep files GOUV_API_URL=https://www.data.gouv.fr/api/1/datasets/le-marche-du-haut-et-tres-haut-debit-fixe-deploiements/ # File to store last versions downloaded VERSIONS_FILENAME=.arcep_versions ## Content of version file: # LAST_ARCEP_ZIP=__.zip # BEFORE_ARCEP_ZIP=__.zip # Global vars g_last_arcep_zip="" g_before_arcep_zip="" g_penultimate_arcep_zip="" g_arcep_to_unzip="" # Script usage usage() { source echo echo "Usage : $0 -d|--dir-out (-r|--remove-penultimate)" echo echo " With:" echo " -d|--dir-out: folder where to store zip files" echo " (-r|--remove-penultimate): if set, remove 2nd before last version after dl latest file" echo } # Get already dl data info source_versions() { dir_out=$1 ver_file=${dir_out}/${VERSIONS_FILENAME} LAST_ARCEP_ZIP="" BEFORE_ARCEP_ZIP="" [[ -f ${ver_file} ]] && source ${ver_file} g_last_arcep_zip=${LAST_ARCEP_ZIP} g_before_arcep_zip=${BEFORE_ARCEP_ZIP} } # Dl arcep latest data if needed dl_latest_arcep() { dir_out=$1 rc=0 echo "Create out dir ${dir_out} if not exist" mkdir -p ${dir_out} ver_file=${dir_out}/${VERSIONS_FILENAME} touch ${ver_file} latest_file_url="$(curl -s ${GOUV_API_URL} | jq -r '.resources[] |objects | .url' | grep -i immeubles | head -1)" file_date=$(echo $latest_file_url | cut -f6 -d '/') file_name=$(echo $latest_file_url | cut -f7 -d '/') latest_f=${file_date}__${file_name} echo "Found ${latest_f} Check if already exist" if [[ -n ${g_last_arcep_zip} && "${latest_f}" = "${g_last_arcep_zip}" ]]; then echo "File ${latest_f} is already the latest ! Do not do anything" else echo "File ${latest_f} not there, download it" wget -O ${dir_out}/${latest_f} ${latest_file_url} || rc=1 g_penultimate_arcep_zip=${g_before_arcep_zip} g_before_arcep_zip=${g_last_arcep_zip} g_last_arcep_zip=${latest_f} g_arcep_to_unzip=${latest_f} echo "OK, update versions file" echo "LAST_ARCEP_ZIP=${g_last_arcep_zip}" > ${ver_file} echo "BEFORE_ARCEP_ZIP=${g_before_arcep_zip}" >> ${ver_file} fi return ${rc} } # Unzip a dl arcep file unzip_arcep() { dir_out=$1 zip_file=$2 zip_dir=$(echo ${zip_file} | rev | cut -f2- -d '.' | rev) mkdir -p "${dir_out}/$zip_dir" echo "Unzip file ${dir_out}/${zip_file}" unzip ${dir_out}/${zip_file} -d ${dir_out}/$zip_dir || return 1 return 0 } # main main () { # Init input vars remove_penultimate=false dir_out="" # Read inputs [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage && return 1 while [ -n $1 ] ; do case $1 in -d|--dir-out) dir_out=$(realpath $2) shift ;; -r|--remove-penultimate) remove_penultimate=true ;; -h|--help) usage && exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown command: $1" usage && exit 1 ;; esac [[ $# -le 1 ]] && break shift done # check inputs if [[ -z ${dir_out} ]]; then echo "Error: You need to specify an output dir -d|--dir-out " usage return 1 fi rc=0 # Read existing dl versions source_versions ${dir_out} || rc=1 # Download latest zip file if needed [[ $rc -eq 0 ]] && dl_latest_arcep ${dir_out} || rc=1 # If download succeeded and there is a file to unzip if [[ $rc -eq 0 && -n $g_arcep_to_unzip ]]; then # unzip file unzip_arcep ${dir_out} ${g_last_arcep_zip} || rc=1 # Unzip succeeded and need to remove penultimate arcep data (if exists) if [[ $rc -eq 0 \ && $remove_penultimate \ && -n $g_penultimate_arcep_zip \ && -f ${dir_out}/$g_penultimate_arcep_zip ]]; then echo "Delete penultimate zip ${dir_out}/$g_penultimate_arcep_zip" rm -f ${dir_out}/$g_penultimate_arcep_zip zip_dir=$(echo ${g_penultimate_arcep_zip} | rev | cut -f2- -d '.' | rev) if [[ -d ${dir_out}/${zip_dir} ]]; then echo "remove dir ${dir_out}/${zip_dir}" rm -rf ${dir_out}/${zip_dir} fi elif [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to unzip ${g_last_arcep_zip} !" fi fi return $rc } ### Call main main "$@" || exit 1 exit 0