from flask import Response import requests import time import json from urllib.parse import quote from eligibility_api.elig_api_exceptions import NetwoApiErrorException from ipe_fetcher import FAIEligibilityStatus, NetwooEligibility NETWO_DEPLOYED_STATUS = "Deployed" class Netwo: def __init__(self, netwo_api_key: str): self.netwo_api_headers = { "x-actor-slug": "aquilenet", "x-api-key": netwo_api_key, "Accept": "application/json", } def get_netwo_imb_coordinates( self, ref_imb: str ) -> (FAIEligibilityStatus, str, str): """ :param ref_imb: ARCEP ref of immeuble :return: (elig_status: FAIEligibilityStatus, imb_lat: str, imb_lng: str) """ ref_imm_clean = quote(ref_imb, safe="") response = requests.get( f"{ref_imm_clean}", headers=self.netwo_api_headers, ) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: raise NetwoApiErrorException( f"Could not GET netwo imb ref {ref_imb}", status_code ) imb_payload = response.json() imb_status = imb_payload.get("imb_status") elig_status = FAIEligibilityStatus( isEligible=imb_status == NETWO_DEPLOYED_STATUS, ftthStatus=imb_status, reasonNotEligible="", ) if imb_status != NETWO_DEPLOYED_STATUS: elig_status[ "reasonNotEligible" ] = f'Ftth not yet deployed in immeuble ref {ref_imb} (PM status: {imb_payload.get("pm_status")})' lat = str(response.json().get("lat")) lng = str(response.json().get("lng")) return elig_status, lat, lng @staticmethod def _filter_netwo_raw_elig_results(raw_elig: dict, search_ftto: bool) -> list: filtered_elig = [] inf_search = ["ftth"] if search_ftto: inf_search.append("ftto") for r in raw_elig.get("results"): inf_type = r.get("infrastructure_type") print(f'{r.get("infrastructure_operator")} : {inf_type}') if inf_type not in inf_search: continue elig_id = r.get("eligibility_id") product_id = r.get("product_id") operator = r.get("infrastructure_operator") product = r.get("product_name") for offer in r.get("entities"): entity_id = offer.get("entity_id") offer_name = offer.get("name") debit = offer.get("debit") or 0.0 access_fee = offer.get("access_fee") or 0.00 recurring_price = offer.get("recurring_price") or 0.00 commitment_duration = offer.get("commitment_duration") or 0 filtered_elig.append( { "eligibility_id": elig_id, "entity_id": entity_id, "product_id": product_id, "product": f"{product} - {offer_name}", "infrastructure_operator": operator, "infrastructure_type": inf_type, "debit": debit, "access_fee": access_fee, "recurring_price": recurring_price, "commitment_duration": commitment_duration, "per_month_price_one_year": round( access_fee / 12 + recurring_price, 2 ), } ) sort_elig = sorted( filtered_elig, key=lambda x: x["per_month_price_one_year"], reverse=False ) return sort_elig def start_netwo_eligibility( self, imb_lat: str, imb_long: str, elig_status: FAIEligibilityStatus, search_ftto: bool, timeout_sec: None, ): def event_stream(): netwo_elig = NetwooEligibility( eligStatus=elig_status, eligDone=False, nbOperatorsOk=0, nbOperatorsErrors=0, nbOperatorsPending=0, timeoutReached=False, timeoutSec=timeout_sec, eligOffers={}, ) json_data = {"latitude": imb_lat, "longitude": imb_long} response = "", headers=self.netwo_api_headers, json=json_data, ) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: print("raise preselect except") raise NetwoApiErrorException( "Netwo API eligibility preselect step failed", status_code ) resp = response.json() default = resp.get("default") default["offer_type"] = "enterprise" default["market"] = "service_operator" response = "", headers=self.netwo_api_headers, json=default, ) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 201: print(f"Error Could not start Netwo eligibility with body {default}") raise NetwoApiErrorException( "Netwo API: failed to start eligibility", status_code ) id_elig = response.json().get("id") is_done = False timeout = None if timeout_sec: timeout = time.time() + timeout_sec while is_done is False: response = requests.get( f"{id_elig}/status", headers=self.netwo_api_headers, ) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: print("raise elig status except") raise NetwoApiErrorException( f"Netwo API: Could not get eligibility status for ID {id_elig}", status_code, ) status_res = response.json() netwo_elig["nbOperatorsOk"] = len(status_res.get("successes", []) or []) netwo_elig["nbOperatorsErrors"] = len( status_res.get("errors", []) or [] ) netwo_elig["nbOperatorsPending"] = len( status_res.get("pending", []) or [] ) netwo_elig["totalOperators"] = ( netwo_elig["nbOperatorsOk"] + netwo_elig["nbOperatorsErrors"] + netwo_elig["nbOperatorsPending"] ) if timeout and time.time() > timeout: netwo_elig["timeoutReached"] = True yield json.dumps(netwo_elig, indent=2) break else: yield json.dumps(netwo_elig, indent=2) if netwo_elig["nbOperatorsPending"] > 0: time.sleep(1) else: is_done = True response = requests.get( f"{id_elig}", headers=self.netwo_api_headers, ) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: print("raise elig res except") raise NetwoApiErrorException( f"Netwo API: Could not get eligibility results for ID {id_elig}", status_code, ) netwo_elig["eligOffers"] = self._filter_netwo_raw_elig_results( response.json(), search_ftto ) netwo_elig["eligDone"] = True yield json.dumps(netwo_elig, indent=2) return Response(event_stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream")